Saturday, September 6, 2008


Is it possible, that the things, you wanted, thirsted, and needed the most, you were never supposed to have? Like Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit..or was it an apple..? They're both the same thing anyways, so fuck off if you disagree. Well, take this for instance, lets say, you want this really cool new shirt, but your not allowed to have it, due to obscene language written on it. A few months later, turns out shirt, is illegal cotten or something, I don't know, and all wearers and buyers must burn the shirt, so they don't get a skin infection. I don't know, just came up with that on the spot. But, almost everyone has to go through that experiance, that heart breaking time. I've dealt with it several times. But, it just gets harder and harder, to deal with, that weight on my heart,feels, like it's ripping through my entire body, and makes it hard, to be normal again, or as normal as I can get. So here's to letting go.

First off, Anthony James Wallace. I hate to love you. So, you called me all those names, I still liked you. I changed myself completely for you, you ignored me, I still like you. You went out with my best friend from Kidnergarten, I still like you. You moved away to South Carolina, I hated it, but I still like you. You make me laugh, but you also make me cry tears. You make my heart stop when I see you, but you make it cold, when you just walk by and do nothing. I want to be over you so bad, but something keeps pulling me back. So, from now on I'm going to try and just block you out of my mind, you don't exist, you don't need me I don't need you.

1 comment:

Alice Green said...

ha. illegal cotton? wth? you are like 13 different kinds of crazy! and good like with letting go!